

Published papers written by DIAL team members arising directly from the DIAL project work

Ann Bruce, Katherine E. Adam, Henry Buller, Kin Wing (Ray) Chan & Joyce Tait (2021 - Published) Creating an innovation ecosystem for rapid diagnostic tests for livestock to support sustainable antibiotic use. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management

Chan, K.W., Bard, A., Adam, K. Rees, G., Morgans, L., Cresswell, L., Hinchliffe, S., Barrett, D., Reyher., K. and Buller, H., (2020 – in press) Diagnostics and the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance: a Survey of UK Livestock Veterinary Surgeons’ Perceptions and Practices. Veterinary Record, pp 1-16

Buller, Henry,, Adam, Katie., Bard, Alison., Bruce, Ann., Chan, Ray., Hinchliffe, Steve., Morgans, Lisa., Rees, Gwen. and Reyher, Kristen (2020 – in Press) Veterinary Diagnostic Practice and the use of rapid tests in antimicrobial stewardship on UK livestock farms. Frontiers in Veterinary Research Vol 7. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.569545.

Publications to which the DIAL project team and research contributed

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (2018) Reducing UK Antibiotic Use in Animals. POST Note 588, September 2018, London: Houses of Parliament.

Other published papers written, or contributed to, by DIAL project members of relevance to the DIAL project theme

Claas Kirchhelle, Paul Atkinson, Alex Broom, Komatra Chuengsatiansup, Jorge Pinto Ferreira, Nicolas Fortané, Isabel Frost, Christoph Gradmann, Stephen Hinchliffe, Steven Hoffman, Javier Lezaun, Susan Nayiga, Kevin Outterson, Scott Podolsky, Stephanie Raymond, Adam P Roberts, Andrew Singer, Anthony So, Luechai Sringernyuang, Elizabeth Tayler, Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Clare Chandler (2020). Setting the standard: multidisciplinary hallmarks for structural, equitable and tracked antibiotic policy. BMJ Global Health. DOI: 0000-0003-0910-8133

Lisa C. Morgans, Sarah Bolt, Elizabeth Bruno-McClung, Lisa van Dijk, Maria P. Escobar, Henry J. Buller, David C.J. Main, Kristen K. Reyher (2020  - in Press) Farmer Action Groups - A participatory, farmer-led approach to changing practices around antimicrobial use on UK farms, Journal of Dairy Science.

Maye. D. and Chan, K. W. (2020 – in Press). On-farm biosecurity in livestock production: farmer behaviour, cultural identities and practices of care. Journal of Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 1-15