Lisa Morgans
Dr Lisa Morgans is a veterinary surgeon working as a post graduate researcher on the DIAL project. Lisa completed her PhD at the University of Bristol this summer, researching a farmer-led, participatory approach to changing practice around antimicrobial use on UK dairy farms. Five Farmer Action Groups were established for the study and participated in a series of meetings on each other’s farms. The 30 dairy farms involved initiated a multitude of changes on farm as part of the participatory project including changes to which antimicrobials they used and how they managed their animals. The PhD was funded by AHDB Dairy and the Langford Trust and recently won the Antibiotic Guardian Award for research. Lisa hopes that the approach will spread and give other farmers the opportunity to learn from one another and innovate on farm. As part of DIAL, Lisa will be assisting with interviews and qualitative analysis to understand the needs and perspectives of the industry when it comes to diagnostics in farming.